Choosing the cleanroom supplies that are right for your facility or laboratory leaves no margin for error. That’s why the pros at Medco Supplies have compiled this list of 5 things to know before you start ordering cleanroom supplies.
What is the Classification?
When choosing cleanroom supplies, it is essential to understand what ISO (International Organization for Standardization) classification you have at your laboratory. When you know the class num...
Protecting your hands in the laboratory or workplace is an essential part of safety and cleanroom procedures. Having the right sterile gloves that fit well for each employee is a key part of the cleanroom garment donning and doffing protocol.
Having the right supplies at the right time can make all the difference when working expediently in your cleanroom environment. Having to stop production to search for the supplies you need is a common yet avoidable problem. At Medco Supplies, we carry the line of quality cleanroom supplies most often used by laboratories, medical facilities, manufacturers and food service.
Wearing gloves is essential in cleanrooms, medical facilities, food service industries and safety jobs. Additionally, as a response to COVID-19, glove usage has expanded to almost every other public sector. But are protective gloves all they’re cracked up to be? Can they prevent coronavirus infection? What kind of glove do I need? Where can I buy them in bulk?